Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Beginning of Theend

The games have begun last one alive wins the prize of life watch the nights they hold the secrets to your survival "Good Luck"
I just found this text not even a single thought on how it got here I just dont understand anymore

Sunday, July 10, 2011


It follows me now even more and it wears a mask like a plague doctors mask and during the night it screams outside and the only words that i hear are memoria repeated in my mind. this figure seems even more threateningnthan slenderman who I see less and less each day who knows he may be protecting I remember a dream that a message was written on a wall that said "Memoria protects" maybe he is memoria or maybe I may just be loosing my grip of reality or I have another horrific creature following me.

Monday, June 27, 2011

More Troubles

There is something else after me I don't know what it is but I heard it today it was like a birds crie but it was metalic and ear busting

Friday, May 13, 2011

juts theabe justbreathe keep going hold your breath LOOK BEHIND LEFTBACK shut up heat LOST CONTROL shut it IM COMING BACK shut the fucking hell up heat WATCH YOUR BACK shut the fuck up JUST ANOTHER TO DIE OF THIS BEAST A WORTHLESS MIND JUST ANOTHER LOST WITHOUT THOUGHT AFTERWARD goddamnit heat shut the fuckig hell up before I kill you JUST LIKE DAMIEN ONLY KNOWN FOR THE FACTS sonofabitch you lie like the rest YOUR END IS SOON JUST LIKE THE OTHERS- a writing two days before 4/4/11 nothing happend that day "lucky me"

Monday, March 21, 2011

Good Evening

You still turn in your sleep. Is something troubling you?
Can you still feel?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

the darkness looms over my death comes soon ... I only hope all he does is watch and loom over me and stare